One-on-one concierge care with a Doctor of Physical Therapy.


Whether they are in their 30’s or 40’s or beyond, our Physical Therapy patients know there is no such thing as “age appropriate” aches and pains — and that an active lifestyle should never hurt.

But to call our Physical Therapy patients “patients” would be a misnomer; to us, they are not patients, they are Priorities.

Never a wait, and the entire appointment is one-on-one with the doctor — that is what Apex Human Performance patients receive with each Physical Therapy visit.

“Priority” is not only how we think of our patients, but is our clinical approach as well, always prioritizing the treatment of the underlying issue rather than merely addressing the symptomatic pain or discomfort that it brings. (In fact, symptom-based approaches may provide temporary relief, but the pain often returns worse than before.)

Through a high-touch, highly-customized evidence- and research-based practice, we reduce the number of Physical Therapy visits needed until relief is felt by 78% (from roughly 5 visits to 1.1 visits), and the number of visits until the rehabilitation has been successful by 64% (from roughly 20 visits to 12.8).

But perhaps the most important aspect of our Physical Therapy clinic is that care doesn’t just stop at the end of a successful rehabilitation or treatment; it continues, just as in professional athletic circles, by working hand-in-hand with our Personal Training practice, to ensure proper strengthening and greatly reduce risk of reinjury.

Top Line

Our Physical Therapy practice is different; the entire appointment is always one-on-one with a doctor; with a research- and evidence-based method; using a cause-driven, not symptom-driven, approach; carrying our patients out of pain, through rehabilitation, to life-long injury prevention.

Why It Matters

The majority of Physical Therapy providers use an incomplete model of treatment predicated on symptom reduction, cheap labor (aides, not doctors), and insurance-based decision making, leaving patients insufficiently rehabilitated and likely to get reinjured.

Key Takeaways

  1. At Apex Human Performance, patients are not “patients.” They are Priorities; Priorities who are always treated on time, one-on-one, with a Doctor of Physical Therapy. (And never an assistant or aide.)
  2. Our Systems Approach is drastically different than most physical therapy practices’ Symptoms Approach. Rather than treating isolated symptoms, we treat the body as the interdependent complex system that it is. Cause and lasting solutions drive our direction of care — not insurance coverage and payroll efficiency.
  3. Our key metric is time — time until patients are out of pain; time until patients are fully rehabilitated; and time until patients can resume an injury-free, pain-free active lifestyle.

Treatment is Always One-on-One with a Doctor of Physical Therapy

Unlike most traditional practices, Apex Human Performance Physical Therapy is never conducted with an aide or assistant; it is always conducted directly with a Doctor of Physical Therapy for the entire duration of the appointment.

Not only are patients — or as we like to call them, Priorities — treated one-on-one the entire time, but our entire Physical Therapy practice runs right on time. There is never a wait; we don’t even have a waiting room.

Further, the one-on-one aspect of treatment doesn’t end when a patient’s appointment does. Our doctors are available 24/7 to patients of our physical therapy practice via phone, text, FaceTime, Zoom, Skype, and email to conduct and manage care, wherever our patients’ lives take them.

A Systems Approach, Not a Symptoms Approach

Many physical therapists, chiropractors and even MDs will chase a patient’s pain, trying to alleviate pain itself without correcting its underlying cause.

Not only does this “band aid” approach provide a temporary solution to a complex problem — it also sets the patient up for reinjury.

This “Symptoms Approach” is partially driven by medical providers, and partially driven by health insurance carriers, who pay providers a predetermined amount based on a reduction of symptomatology — not a long-lasting correction of its cause.

Parenthetically, it should then come as no surprise that the leading predictor of low back pain is prior low back pain. By treating only the lower back, with complete disregard to its surrounding and attached structures — from the hips all the way down to the feet — symptoms may dissipate over time, but the root cause was never assessed, explored, or corrected.

This Symptoms Approach is entirely palliative, in the true sense of the word: relieving pain without dealing with the cause of the condition.

Our approach, a Systems Approach, which treats the body as the interdependent complex system that it is, is different. Pain will subside because we identify and correct the root cause. Even better, it is for this reason that pain will never return.

Rather than palliatively treating isolated symptoms, our Physical Therapy practice begins with thorough joint-by-joint assessments to understand global movement and body function. As assessment data emerges, a comprehensive plan that integrates not only the injured part but the entire body is formulated, and a thorough plan of care, moving our patients out of pain, to rehabilitation, to bulletproofing and preventing reinjury is executed.

Because our Physical Therapy approach is a Systems Approach, we often discover and treat dysfunction before it has the chance to result in pain or injury, breaking the common cycle of injury and reinjury.

Injury-free, For Life

Accountability is a term that comes up frequently with personal training, however it is nearly always used to indicate a one-way obligation, from client to personal trainer. While our members feel they are held accountable to show up, accountability does not end there; we hold ourselves fully accountable to improving the same metrics borne from our testing process when members first start, as well as each new benchmark along the way.

For us, data is everything. It is the source of our assessments. It is the source of decision making. And it is the source of our accountability to our members.

As trained “Exercise Scientists,” our personal trainers utilize clinical-grade testing methods — and the Scientific Method, testing, retesting, and calibrating. This iterative process is how we prevent members from hitting plateaus while always avoiding injury.

Our members’ journey begins with the most comprehensive, in-depth assessment on the market, our proprietary H-FIT Assessment. By baselining and tracking key biological metrics from movement analysis, metabolic profile, orthopedic evaluation, and cardiopulmonary assessment, we develop a comprehensive understanding of each member’s unique starting point.

Driven by this data, a plan of care is meticulously calculated for each member — every exercise, set, and rep drawn out to the tee. These metrics also allow our personal trainers to track progress efficiently without bias and effectively communicate the purpose of each programming decision.

Each exercise, repetition, and set is carefully planned into an annual program, with progressive phases dedicated to the needs and desires of each member, from fat loss to strength to sport-specific “prehab” or performance.

In an industry plagued by low standards, and the resultant charlatanism, poor results, and injuries, Apex Human Performance sets itself apart by providing members reliable trust and peace of mind.

Are We Right For You?

Our private Physical Therapy practice treats a wide range of conditions, from chronic pain, to post-surgical rehabilitation, to sports and fitness re-entry — as well as ongoing prophylactic treatments for active lifestyles.

Our practice largely consists of three main treatment areas: Executive Health Physical Therapy, Injury and Postoperative Physical Therapy, and Sports-specific Physical Therapy.

Executive Health Physical Therapy

Getting to the top requires sacrifices. And for many of our patients, career success came at the cost of their physical health. Our Executive Health Physical Therapy Practice helps patients feel better, sleep better, and think better — while decreasing stress and improving energy levels.

Whether it’s extended sitting periods in meetings and at their desks, extensive travel schedules, or simply the body’s physiological reaction to prolonged high-stress situations, our patients feel the toll.

What’s worse, is with extreme limitations on time, self-care is often last on the list of priorities — and first to go in a time-crunch.

This unfortunately creates a compounding effect because pain is not the only problem. Pain impedes executive function of the brain by 20% or more, which means the ability to make decisions and organize thoughts suffers, making physical and mental burnout inevitable.

And sleep suffers too; pain diminishes sleep quantity and quality by at least 50%, with many studies showing this figure to be as high as 80%.

Adding insult to injury, poor sleep impedes executive function as well, even further compounding the issue.

Quite simply, orthopedic pain and discomfort reduce the ability to think by a factor of at least 60%. (That figure may be worth rereading.)

By treating their orthopedic aches, pains, and physical limitations, our patients not only reclaim their bodies, but reclaim the ability to kick the door down every day.

Injury and Postoperative Physical Therapy

After an injury or surgery, there is a crucial window of time for effective Physical Therapy treatment to ensure recovery is complete. And most post-injury and postoperative Physical Therapy is perilously incomplete.

Our Physical Therapy practice treats a variety of post-injury and postoperative conditions, from ACL and MCL surgery, to runner’s knee, to tennis elbow and bursitis.

The key difference in our model is that we do not stop treatment and rehabilitation when pain disappears — we execute a treatment and rehabilitation strategy until we are certain that we have bulletproofed our patients’ bodies, so that injury won’t return.

This is the crucial step that nearly every Physical Therapy clinic omits, usually stemming from a mix of setting low expectations for the patient (due to insufficient patient knowledge/understanding), maximizing operational and payroll efficiency, and maximizing payouts from health insurance providers.

We are outcome focused. Outcome focused for the patient, and the patient only.

And our outcome, which is diametrically opposed to the standard Physical Therapy model, is a complete and sustainable long-term recovery, that most often leaves the patient in a better place than even prior to the injury or precipitating condition of their surgery.

Sport-specific Physical Therapy

Whether it’s golf, tennis, skiing or running, even a recreational sport is still a sport — a sport with physical demands and inherent injury risk.

While it is now common knowledge that training for a sport requires more than practicing or participating in the sport, our Physical Therapy practice is predicated on the research that building sport-specific strength and range of motion are the most important factors of increasing performance and reducing risk of injury.

Most recreational athletes and sport participants are unaware that training and Physical Therapy have the same goal — to strengthen the body and optimize movement — however Physical Therapy accomplishes this goal in the presence of pain and pathology; whereas training does so in the absence of it.

Good Physical Therapy is “training;” and good Training is “physical therapy.”

Whereas most Physical Therapy practices and health insurance plans drop the patient once pain or injury has resolved, our Physical Therapy practice continues care not only through a complete rehabilitation, but through bulletproofing against reinjury — and then optimizing mechanics and performance.

This is accomplished by integrating our Physical Therapy and Personal Training practices along a continuum, to meet the patient or member where they are at the present moment, from dealing with pain and acute injury to improving race times, serve power and drive distance.

Conditions Treated




Rotator Cuff tear


Labral tear


Frozen Shoulder


Thoracic Outlet Syndrome


Total should replacement, rotator cuff repair

SLAP tear


Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)

Golfer's Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis

Carpal tunnel syndrome






Carpal Tunnel

Trigger finger



Patellofemoral pain syndrome


ACL (tear, reconstruction)

Meniscus tear

Ligament strains


Total knee replacement/osteoarthritis

Hamstring or Quadriceps strains/tears

Runner’s Knee


Labral tear





IT band tightness/syndrome

Groin strains

Total hip replacement, labral repair


Plantar fasciitis

Ankle sprains

Flat feet

Achilles' tendinitis

Peroneal tendonitis


Shin Splints

Calf strains

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome



Whiplash syndrome



Tension headache

Ocular Migraine

Cluster Migraine


Whether it’s golf, tennis, skiing or running, even a recreational sport is still a sport — a sport with physical demands and inherent injury risk.

While it is now common knowledge that training for a sport requires more than practicing or participating in the sport, our Physical Therapy practice is predicated on the research that building sport-specific strength and range of motion are the most important factors of increasing performance and reducing risk of injury.

Most recreational athletes and sport participants are unaware that training and Physical Therapy have the same goal — to strengthen the body and optimize movement — however Physical Therapy accomplishes this goal in the presence of pain and pathology; whereas training does so in the absence of it.

Good Physical Therapy is “training;” and good Training is “physical therapy.”

Whereas most Physical Therapy practices and health insurance plans drop the patient once pain or injury has resolved, our Physical Therapy practice continues care not only through a complete rehabilitation, but through bulletproofing against reinjury — and then optimizing mechanics and performance.

This is accomplished by integrating our Physical Therapy and Personal Training practices along a continuum, to meet the patient or member where they are at the present moment, from dealing with pain and acute injury to improving race times, serve power and drive distance.

Physical Therapy Cost

Neither a prescription nor membership are needed to make an appointment. 

Our private Physical Therapy appointments, conducted one-on-one with a Doctor of Physical Therapy, are subject to the following fee schedule:

  • 60 Minutes: 300

Our Physical Therapy practice is able to evaluate your insurance and will provide an explanation of how your plan may benefit you.


Privacy / Terms


(212) 233-0633